Georgie Bainbridge

I am a chartered practitioner psychologist and registered, accredited psychotherapist. I have thousands of hours of clinical experience working with autistic people both in inpatient settings with the NHS and in private practice. My clinical experience is important and informative in the process of assessment.
It has been a joy to find a team of dedicated professionals to work with over the last few years and to now be working as part of a multidisciplinary team here at the shed. We all have lived experience of autism in one way or another, which makes us dedicated and passionate about what we do.
I have a particular interest in sensory integration, autism and the similarities/crossovers with trauma. I’m also curious about neurodiversity and class in psychotherapy and training. I am a research and academic lecturer at the Metanoia Institute. I also supervise doctoral research candidates.
- Bainbridge, G. (2019) Making sense of sensation in psychotherapy. Features BACP Children, Young People & Families Journal pp 12-15
- Bainbridge, G. (2019) Sensation in psychotherapy through the lens of sensory integration theory. DCPsych thesis, Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute. [Thesis]
- Final accepted version (with author’s formatting)
This version is available at: - Bainbridge, G. (2020) Finding our new normal. Features BACP Children, Young People & Families Journal pp. 13-14