Carrie Overton
Carrie Overton has been working with parents and families for over 20 years, as a teacher, deputy head and a coach. She understands the demands of family life, having been divorced and widowed and having neuro-diverse children. Two of her children are now adults, with a younger teenager still at home.
Her coaching sessions offer a safe space for you to explore your vision of the future. You will look at where you want to be, where you are now and what obstacles you may perceive that prevent you achieving your goals. Through coaching, Carrie will support you to break these down into manageable steps and find practical steps towards the future you want.
She is passionate about encouraging individuals to reach their full potential and move forward confidently with their lives.
Here are some of the typical outcomes my clients experience from coaching:
- Feeling more content
- Increased confidence
- Stronger and more fulfilling relationships
- Raised levels of happiness
- Feeling more ‘in control’ of their lives
- Improved health and wellbeing
- Greater enjoyment of life or work
- Better boundaries in place and enjoying more work life balance
- A renewed spark of creativity and inspiration
- Transitioning their career into something new

“Life coaching with Carrie has been a vehicle for change in my life. It has had a huge impact not only on myself but those around me too.
This process has led me on the path to self-realisation: that I am stronger and more capable than I ever knew and I want to continue to grow and develop.”
Liz A
Dec ’21
“Carrie’s coaching has been inspirational and challenged my thought processes in a way I never thought would be possible. She has a natural abilty to tune into peoples needs and can question and challenge whilst giving suppport and encouragement. Carrie is easy to connect with and her pace matches the needs of the client. The sessions have been easy and relaxed and have resulted in significant change.”
Sam S
Sept ’21
“Carrie always encourages me to reflect upon the things I have said and what I want to change and why. Together we have been able to break down bigger targets and look at smaller, more managable and very practical ways to address them. When things have seemed too big or daunting, Carrie has helped me to come up with strategies I can use that are practical and realistic. These ‘easy wins’ have really been the driving force and have helped me sustain my motivation.”
Clair L
Feb ’22
“Carrie is a great listener, always attentive to everything I say and how I say it. She is also encourging, energetic and positive.
I found myself looking forward to our sessions, as I knew I would leave them feeling energised, clear and focused.”
Paola M
March ’22